Monday, April 04, 2005


well went for yesterday's main service n the sermon was on "The secrets of Joy" by paston Colin. He started off with 10 prescriptions of unhappiness, which i find myself "scoring" 6-8/10 which is pretty scary(one of them is if u dunnoe dun care evrything -.-).. Worse still, he went on wif 10 secrets of joy, most of which i noe inside but juz couldn't apply.. After all, i haf so many unhappiness prescriptions i spent so long cultivating :(. Please hold on while i try 2 get it all right again.. like what i always tell sivam, let me lv 40 firz... den i help . Its like trying 2 do the exact opposite of wad i haf been doing.. blah reversing my whole entire mindset is not smthing that can be done quickly since its like so long in me already.....

Since its joy i shall add some "joyful" events.
-more people say hi n bye 2 me den any other sunday.
-people actually complimented me 4 me serving in the backstage.
ohh well been playing wow like evry other day, thats about it i scared i back pain.

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