Thursday, August 18, 2005
like 2 - thank people 4 bothering to read n bearing this crappy layout .........
that's all i think...
and to celebrate my anniversary... i shall spare u all and me by not posting anything until i feel like it ...its time 4 a break hehe..
-nothing here!- hurray! no more post!!
ya bye!
Monday, August 15, 2005
You entered: 3/18/1986
few things..
You are 1,013 weeks old.(more den 1000 sundays gone!!)
Your birthstone is Aquamarine The Mystical properties of Aquamarine
Aquamarine is often used to experience love and mercy. It is said to help ease depression and grief.Some lists consider these stones to be your birthstone. (Birthstone lists come from Jewlers, Tibet, Ayurvedic Indian medicine, and other sources)
........ 'Love' man ..... hahaa
Your birth tree is
Lime Tree, the Doubt
Accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress and labour, tends to laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous, loyal.
im very jealous LOL
You were born on a Tuesday
under the astrological sign Pisces.
Your Life path number is 9.
ok take 4 fun 1 so lets take a look at wad life path 9 is...
The keys to the nature of a Life Path number 9 person are compassion, generosity, and a very humanitarian attitude. This is the lesson that must be learned in this life. Usually this number produces an individual that is very trustworthy and honorable, and one unlikely to harbor any sort of prejudice. Obviously, this is a rather tall order, but you are, in fact, a person that feels very deeply for individuals less fortunate than yourself, and if you are in a position to help, you certainly will (sounds like my motto...). You tend to be quite sensitive, as you see the world with much feeling and compassion. The 9, being the highest of the single digit numbers, holds an elevated position and poses certain responsibilities. The purpose of life for those with a 9 life path is of a philosophical nature. Judges, spiritual leaders, healers and educators frequently have much 9 energy. Material gains are not overly important, although the quality of some life path 9 people is such that they are materially rewarded in very significant ways. Often, the number 9 life path requires a very selfless attitude and the giving up of material possessions for the common good. Even the very average of those with life path 9 possess extremely compassionate tendencies. The desire to help others, especially the troubled or underprivileged, is strong. You are apt to frequently find yourself being used and let down by others, as your generosity is misused and abused.
The number 9's very deep understanding of life is sometimes manifested in the artistic and literary fields( no sense here). Here you may be able to express your deep emotional feelings through painting, writing, music, or other art forms (owned..). Often, however, there if a great deal of difficulty finding a suitable outlet for the 9 Life Path. The 9 is usually well suited to the helping and healing professions; the number is less inclined to the competitive business environment.
You have the ability to make friends very easily, as people are attracted to your magnetic, open personality. You have a special gift of understanding people, which if used correctly can be of great benefit to others. Your interest in people tends to make you quite social. People just naturally like you because you are so sympathetic, tolerant and broad-minded (weee!). In many ways, you are a romantic that can get lost in your loves and passions. Relationships can be difficult for you, however, because it is hard to strike a balance that will work effectively. If your partner is one sharing your giving attitudes, the relationship will be happy and lasting. On the other hand, if you choose a partner whose focus is on material issues, problems will arise quickly.
As do all the life path numbers, the 9 has its negative side, and because of the demanding nature of the truly positive 9, many tend to fail in this category ( !! ). It is not uncommon for persons with the 9 life path to fight the realities and challenges of purpose imposed here because selflessness is not an easy trait. You may have difficulty believing that giving and a lack of personal ambition can be satisfying. It must be realized and accepted that little long-term satisfaction and happiness is to be gained by rejecting the natural humanitarian inclinations of this path.
haha ..... haha ...... y did i even do this.... needed to read smthing liddat anyway so... wadeva...
Sunday, August 14, 2005
nothing else 2 blog ... out of content...
361 days.. , maybe i should juz let this blog rot..
lost the will to blog..... byezz
Monday, August 08, 2005
ok ... last friday got half day cuz of some ccn day thingy in school, play monopoly on laptop lol n was the firz to get bankrupt cuz i bidded $5000 on a house -.-. And i managed to go for festival of praise wif cg the firz time in my life (eh??!) hehe.. pretty cool, probably cuz i nv go any kind of concert thing b4 but the music is still gd lah... went 2 bedok 4 supper/dinner .. ( no fish n chip with porridge or hokkien mee this time..)n sit mercs cab Oo Went out 2 ast to play battlefield 2 on sat Oo.. got owned so play dota n i use queen of pain wahaha can blink n run/kill... jeremy l33t tinker!! but owning is mean so im not talking on that ... like how jon own me n sivam zzz.. Jeremy den got his new hairstyle n jon wanted 2 watch fireworks ( != gay ) but ended up taking no 10 to tampinese 2 watch movie dunnoe y oso... zzzz so no movie 2 watch sivam want 2 watch stealth i dun wan 2 say anything n jeremy n jon wan 2 watch 7 swords... failed 2 get him to watch 7 swords so buh bye there.... haha go ms wahaha :) (the intended option 4 me) ... Pastor Rony talked on the power of focus in our lives, smthing blur people haf a problem with... on how we haf the power to choose what to focus in our lives.. nice nice ... :D:D Sunday! There's this professor from Australia talking during service about science and God... on how fossil's age can be faked.. on how T-Rex have red blood cells found in them, and that this world is actually a few thousand years old, not billions of years as u read in science books when u were young..., meaning if that is true, evolution is false since its man's view and a few thousand years is not enuff.. Another interesting thing is that a year is based on the earth n sun, month on earth n moon, week is based on "the 7th day He rested"! Ok went for cg... 2day was more discussion like, with all the opinions flying ard , hasn't been liddat since Alvin led last time =). Spdlight had pastor chee preaching .. ok... went 4 fop again..... ate nuggets at mac 4 dinner n even had to pay 10 cents for the sauce ... argh n girl at the counter said she bad mood 2day... had 2 repeat evrything i say .. the heck.. Special monday post! zzzzzzzzzzzzzz............... (but its not the focus!) ya thats monday 4 me.. red is cool (dun see it, wear it! like i did).. aint i patriotic?? met jeremy after sch 2 collect heroes 4 even tho my cd rom drive is spoiled... n buy cd containers too .... 2morrow i Singapore birthday!! ok..... the whole point is its a holiday!111!... recently feels so holiday like...haha bye!
Sunday, July 31, 2005
strange things that dont happen evry sunday...
- the lady that sells yu pian mi fen treat me jared and eugene free drinks 2day..... ...... ........... wah..
- i nearly got knocked down by a car .. seems like i lost my sense of balance... n coordination.. wadeva i didnt even look in that direction... zzz
- err... ehh.. errrrr ... leet
Saturday, July 23, 2005
So lets try to count the probability of that warrior taking all the loot happening.... figures from allakazam..
Probability of...
Finding a brillant chromatic scale off a Chromatic Whelp --> 0.299
Winning the roll against 15 people --> 0.299/ 15 = 0.001993
Finding another brillant chromatic scale off a Chromatic Whelp --> 0.299
Winning the roll against 15 people again- 0.299/ 15 = 0.001993
These 2 events happening in the same run/time --> 0.001993 * 0.001993 = 0.000003972
Finding Spaulders of valor --> 0.1353
Finding Spaulders of valor and 2 scales AT the same run/time --> 0.000003972 * 0.1353 = 0.0000005374
Finding Breastplate of valor --> 0.0656
Finding Spaulders of valor and 2 scales AT the same run/time and seeing valor drop --> 0.00000003525
Since there are 2 warriors on the raid, he will haf to roll against me, dropping the probability of him getting the valor chestpiece by 0.5
Finding Spaulders of valor and 2 scales AT the same run/time and winning valor BP against me
-----> 0.00000003525 * 0.5 = 0.00000001763
If i convert that probability, it basically means the probability of all that happening at the same time is
1 in 56,721,497 times
Ok i made a mistake im assuming there are only 2 whelps, which is wrong since there are about 20 killed per run, so i will haf to multiply the number i got by (20/2) = 10
which makes 1 in 5,672,150 times
So watch out when people say maaaybeee, they mean theres a chance/probabilty that it may happen, even if its 1 in 5 million , it can still happen. haiz to think i was still joking about about that happening 2 me n it happened..
haiz this is only a mmorg, if u think of how evrything that has happened in ur life n try 2 use probability in it, haha the number will be astronomical... by chance ???
Sunday, July 17, 2005
attempts to blog
Pastor Rony said smthing like: Its not how good we are, its whether we know Christ or not.... how true, but i cant help but tink of my blog title... haha . Of course my blog title is crap .. indeed what we can see and think is so finite..... we cant seem to see wads behind the scene ( or the bigger picture )...
zzzzz this is an attempt to blog so 2 show im alive yeah.... i got a problem??? y do i remember these things?? y do i care? xtra? bleah.....
6 days to saturday, 7 days to nxt sunday......
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Its all good
yeah its all good...
Created a acc in maple but that game is too boring 4 me... its the perfect cure 4 insomia. Playing X Hero Siege on lancraft instead... using the mountain king wif avatar 4 pure ownage... i can hit 10k damage wif my aura that absorbs 200% of attack dmg per hit meaning evry hit i do i get back 20k hp!! but im always lagging in kills cuz im this melee guy that got 2 run ard..
My blog is turning 1 yr old in 1 month 10 days!!!! i juz realised yesterday that my blog is 'borned' on the 18th!! like me, jon, wq, and 'maybe jeremy if i recalled correctly' !! that mean guy told us his bday last time but use some trick 2 make evry1 forget .... very good...
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Anyway i saw a ex-spdlighter/cg member today in the toilet after spdlite... he say he come becuz of a friend ... and left b4 i could say bye properly... he told me less then 1 yr ago that he is not attending church anymore.. but at least he came 2day yea..
mia, mia, mia....... bleah i lost my blogging touch so im not typing anymore... quite alot of post recently.....
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Today is Saturday
the weather got better n we get to kayak yea!! Arg too long nv exercise but it was fun hehe... n i didnt puke.. Went to eat lunch at the LJS in bedok and after that accompany Jonathan to Jeremy house.. eat papaya drink coffee there and then got 2 take cab down to LE for MS ... blah becuz i left late.. couldn't get a cab for awhile( was abt to get pissed but i will be patient :D) but managed to get in 1 and reach there with 2 mins to spare :P:P ... Ate dinner after MS n went home after i finish my dinner loh... and no im not eating the hokkien mee my mother is giving me now :O nice nice ...
Friday, June 24, 2005
feel like
tok about whining ... n now my blog is distorted :(... i really should count my blessings :)
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
the magic word...
read especially the paragraph below....
cant use logic.....
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Get a life...
Spdlite was even more ....... , becuz i never hear this kind of message being preached b4... the heck m i tinking
back to my "life" of 9 to 5.30 evry wkday in my workcell.....
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Black n White
The point is 2day is special, becuz theres something wrong with the communication lines 2day, or "excessive noise" in technical terms. So all the cameras cannot connect 2 the mixer, tried 2 vaccum the room but it went from poor signal to no signal haha... so 4 praise n worship, we flashed directly from the computer to the screen (u get 2 c the lyrics software !!) , n when its announcements, we actually got 2 manually switch from com to camera (we plucked out the wire between the com n projector n reconnect it 2 the camera, becuz the cam is not linked 2 the mixer, so the camera can use.. if u dun understand .. its ok) .. den when its time 4 the powerpoint, got 2 reconnect 2 the other com..the powerpoint is black n white becuz if got color the whole screen will screw again, was saying thats retro...
probably the firz time seeing black n white in LE sia.. zzz got sch 2morrow.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
den again they say staying content is good..... doing nothing muz be bad
remember... whateva happens................. anything!!!!111
and so xtra was born....
Thursday, June 02, 2005
stuff like this dun deserve a title
the trainer frm the company (festo) dropped by 2 give us a training lesson at 10+ am.. so 2 give a basic idea of wad its abt..
NSC stands 4 National Skills Competition n will be held next year... n since im taking part in the mechatronics component...
Mechatronics can be spelt as Mecha-tronics ... Mecha means mechanics and tronics means electronics ... Yeah!! i finally found a way 2 explain wad my course means after 2 year muahaha.. ok so there will be 2 people per team n we are supposed 2 assemble(mechanic part) and program (electronics part) an automated system ...(think mini factory). There is the distribution, testing, handling, processing and sorting of stuff. The trainer taught on the the basics of programming these, caught it quite quickly cuz its similar 2 wad i learnt, but it went on all the way to 5.30 pm wif only a 15 minutes lunch break (supposed 1 hr) as the canteen is full so might as well dun eat n go 2wards the end my mind actually shutdown... zzz. Learnt the handling part today, and we actually haf to know the rest by monday when the trainer returns. N 2day is thursday, so i only got 2morrow 2 learn all remaining 4 parts.. hardcore i must say.....
Ohh lastly im most likely doing the mechanical part as my partner specialises in programming, n according to past results, its always the mechanical portion that drag us down... i guess those people r leet huh... ITE people (fast fingers) , and NYP (they were the first) previous round actually haf this guy that can do programming without looking at his screen, heck, teacher say supposed 2 learn until it become like a reflex (like that guy). I cant even play time crisis 2 looking away , hey i tried to say hi while playing... lost a life =(, n failed to finish the game.But mostly its pretty reflex tho, tats cuz i play for like 7 yrs already. Even then, its still far from perfect, like i nv will be. The above paragraph only shows how liable i will be, n thats the true meaning of liability..
Monday, May 30, 2005
Basically move things around 2 my work cell...
I also got transfered to video crew 4 my tech team in church .... play wif cameras n lyrics n slides now...
zzz 9 to 5.30 evry weekday .......
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Born like that
Setting: A baby was getting to his mother, on this track ... with a customised slope.... The slope can be set at different angles (no slope,gentle slope, steep slope etc). So the research was done with 3 varying degrees of steepness, the gentle, the in between(middle) and a very steep one.
The gentle:
As the baby approached the slope, his mother (in front) instructed the baby to stop walking. At first, he stopped. However , after some hesitation (he probably thought that he can walk down), he contined to walked down the slope . Despite his mother repeated instructions to stop, he moved slowly and eventaully reached his mother.
The steep:
As the baby approached the slope, his mum instructed him to continue walking. He stopped n refused to move. No matter how hard his mum tried to persuade him to get down the slope, he refused.
The in between:
As the baby approached the slope, his mum asked him to continue walking. He didnt really walked at first as he was not sure if he can make it across, but his mother persuaded him to walk. Step by step he moved down the slope, with his mum constantly reassuring that he can make it. He got to his mum finally.
The conclusion of this research is that they only listen to their guides/mentors when that are unsure of their situation, however, in cases where they are not, they are able to make the desicions themselves.
So was he being rebellious or excercising his survival instincts?? Born like that to listen only when in doubt . Ha.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
Failure is not an option
Ok sorry again if u fail to understand/dunnoe what im toking about...Went for 11 am service today only haha...
Failure is not an option -Darth Vader. Hey he said that in one of the shows(episode 4 i tink) n im watching star wars 2morrow ... yay!
Monday, May 16, 2005
Pointless computer programs
hey check this out when u run out of online nicks haha
Cool man
XtraXtraXtra from this day forward you you will also be known as
"Unlucky Hunter"
Xtra from this day forward you you will also be known as
"Violent Menace"
Sivam Murthy from this day forward you you will also be known as
"Wacko Assassin"
hahahaha. quite funny what a few random codes can do to my nick =( wow sivam got smthin 2 do with assassins lol.. wads the probabilty of that happening man?? the programmer doesn't noe sivam like assassins rite?? n xtraxtraxtra is unlucky??? dun curse me go away :P. n Xtra is definitely non-violent n ferendly, rite? yup, freak accidents do happen , even on websites.....
Monday, May 09, 2005
or do put that bag aside, put on ur sports attire n running shoes?
argh rotting at home i tink i gonna die 1 year later when i enter NS, haven't been running.....
Sunday, May 08, 2005
This is a pointless blog post meant 2 take up space..
Last thing .. nice huh?
Friday, May 06, 2005
The "legacy"
direct cut and paste from Sivam's blog
if u all go to xtra's blog u'd learn abt wat the gm told him abt his nickname.. long story short Xtraxtraxtra was not acceptable as it was 3 words.. and they didnt allow 3 words. so he reverted to Xtra, which breaks a long chain of memories so i honour the livelihood of Xtra! Here are some of his names..
Tactical Commanders
Xtra [the beginning. no more Xtra After that]
Elysium Online:
JianShenXtra [A l33t SwordGod, if u look below JianShenXtra actually means SwordSaintXtra(edited by me)]
GeneralXtra [l33t halberdier]
KillerXtra [He used an Assassin to store items. ahaha]
Fairyland Online:
SwordSaintXtra [ dumb game but we gave him tt name cozhe didnt wanna use JSX. A Warrior]
Knights Online:
SirSwordSaintXtra [Knights hence the Sir; a valiant Warrior]
StyloShooterXtra [Made this archer to spam money]
Cronous Online
XtraXtraXtra[A fighter class but the nly class with the heal ability... a warrior with heal? OMG NERF]
XtraXtraXtra[u said it. a warrior as usual.. going thru the ways of the sword]
Ragnarok Online Priv Server
SwordSaintXtra[lv255 knight! not crusader coz he said crusader are gay and dun use sword. which was true. they didnt use swords.]LaLaLaXtra[His alternate Bard.i gave him tt name coz i was sleepy and i made a dancer so he made a bard to combine the powers of music]
R.O.S.E Online
XtraXtraXtra [ His first Ever female main! Soldier class. and instead of sword type he went polearm. strange aint it? dex based so it was like kinda in my territory but nvm. i kind ferend{he broke 3 ruels: amle char rule, weapon rule and stat rule!]
FunkyOldXtra[a healing mage. had green hair and old man face.. hence FOX! ahaha]
Shattered Galaxy
XtraXtraXtra [A l33t player]
ASDF Hoverboard
XtraXtraXtra[lv30 acceleration specced boarder. l33t guy]
World Of Warcraft
Xtra [mean gm spoil.... supposed to be XtraXtraXtra][he is currently a lv 55 warrior ongoing 60! gogog Xtra!. bte he switch back to sword... good.]
XtraKiller[rogue lol]
LiabilityXtra[Tauren druid only lv4..enuff said.]
Tribute to the Greatest Warrior of All time! XtraXtraXtra!Tomorrow i shall post abt the legacy of mi! yea!
In return?? an increase in degree of my specs n lots of scolding from my mother...
what a legacy.. kinda nice tho
too lazy 2 write smthin like that O.o
what else 2 say??? hmm.
what else 2 do?? ahh.
Monday, May 02, 2005
Its not in me
cant imagine myself as a mentor lol.. how am i supposed 2 be one, i noe im gonna be super xtra la.
those yr 1's r gonna be bored stiffed if its me man, i mean like the whole class will expect me 2 tok alot(im 'off' type) ... which i can't..
never worked these kind of stuff.. i noe i will choose not 2 tok haha
its just not in me, have 2 learn maybe, but no teachers no textbooks -.- not serious on the textbook thing i hate studying ahh
how can it be done???
chose not 2 again ... ..... ........
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Sunday, April 24, 2005
nothing at all... im too neutral man anything la
learnt a new phrase 2 day , its called "Act blur, live longer"
den i must haf been living VERY VERY long man.......
but wads the point in that .. live but not really living suxxors
Friday, April 22, 2005
Xtraxtraxtra is now Xtra
Hello Daniel,
Realm(s): Shadowmoon, Kilrogg
Old Character/Pet/Guild Name: Xtraxtraxtra
Offense: Naming - Partial or Complete Sentences
This category includes names which:.. Consist of multiple (generally more than 2) words strung together to createpartial or complete sentences (i.e. Inyourface, Welovebeef, Howareyou)
The name selected for this character, pet or guild is not appropriate as per ournaming policy, and upon your next log in you will be able to select a new name.Unfortunately we will be unable to offer name changes for pets. If thisnotification is in regards to a guild name, the guild has been disbanded andwill need to be reformed under a different name.
We realize that you have likely grown attached to this name and certainly knowthat a name change is a dramatic event. Despite this, we feel that the change isimportant as the naming policies have been created to try and make for a betterworld environment for everyone. For further information, please view the Worldof Warcraft Naming Policy and Terms of Use Agreement:
if u cant be bothered 2 read wadeva i quoted.. i will summarise.. Basically i have 2 change my nick in WOW because xtraxtraxtra is 3 words put 2gether ie. xtra xtra xtra. so probably some guy in US went thru the database n read my nick as 3 words :( Not that i dun regard it as 3 words, but its more like repetition in an attempt not 2 copy the thousands of "xtra"s in this world... Examples include: A Economics textbook wif the name xtra in it, a company in indonesia called xtra in a magazine i glanced wen i was working in DHL, n lastly, there's a newspaper called EXTRA (according to a documentary) 63 years ago ( they r probably not creative enuff 2 take out the X huh hu noes ?).
After tinking for 2 hours, i finally decided 2 use Xtra way back in secondary sch. So the Xtraxtraxtra chain has been broken hahahaha.. i purposely type it 3 times they haf 2 say i can't.. Went wif russ yesterday 2 SP, well haven't felt so xtra 4 so long (u noe, wen u should be here but not here and resulting in u being neither here nor there) thats cause im no student in SP lar.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Monday, April 04, 2005
Its Zhu Jia's birthday 2day!! So he wanted 2 go cineleisure 2 watch Install.,a japanese movie staring aya ueto.. a rising japanese model hu has nice eyes n lips i suppose .. Met up wif russell in the afternoon n meet zhu jia, his girlfriend n cher hao in subway. wadeva la dunnoe y they laughing at me .. anyway i ate a cookie n tat is good :D. After getting the tickets we went up 2 the arcade. Jonathan called 2 say he is reaching sommerset soon n since he "dunnoe" where is cineleisure, i went down 2 fetch him, n since i happen 2 pass by Coffee Club, i decided 2 c if isabel is working there, turns out i saw her on the way 2 sommerset. N den i "led" jonathan 2 cineleisure.. Went up the arcade there n saw russ cheat in air hockey by keeping a puck and putting it in wen it was last play n won 11-9. I play time crisis 2 there n find my aiming off n my hand tired..( haha my hand tired at the 2nd stage!! dotz). Well Sivam supposed 2 come but he went MIA. After that watch my firz Japanese movie, Install. Its about aya ueto as a school dropout hu is looking 4 direction n seeking a change in her life.. the whole show is in Japanese, so i read subtitles( i realised there's not much diff becuz i always read subtitles). In the end, she got a not-really-that-awesome kind of job, but she learnt alot i guess. They even got this last part where she suddenly got enlightened n start toking chim chim in jap. N i seem 2 have read similar things b4, guess wad, in my school library book "How 2 be Happy". -.-. A nice show overall even though they only got ONE, i mean ONE soundtrack in the whole show.., at least 2 me). Went 4 pool after that, n actually went inside 2 play instead of standing outside the other time. I only lose 2 russell once (won the rest), which is strange cuz i always got trashed. I tried 2 apply Jeremy's words of wisdom man, i mean they worked lor quite cool really. Even if really really gonna lose, they will score the black ball 4 me !! yeah! Ate dinner at KFC taka wif jon n russ n go home after that... woot i saw some1 wearing the same cap as Sivam lolz. I should buy 4D man so many coincidences. 3388 ftw! N Happy Birthday 2 Zhu Jia! All the best 4 ur exams(not 2 4get jeremy tat is studying huh)!
Since its joy i shall add some "joyful" events.
-more people say hi n bye 2 me den any other sunday.
-people actually complimented me 4 me serving in the backstage.
ohh well been playing wow like evry other day, thats about it i scared i back pain.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Thursday, March 24, 2005
aiya the MCQ qn tat i dunnoe how 2 do the day b4 came out... plus i couldn't differentiate between left and right...... i got it wrong !! i thought left is right n right is left and right is wrong?? aiya smthin liddat i haf 4gotten =(
n the last question that i got wrong... the teacher nv even teach b4 -.-
But all in all i did pretty good .. yeah =D. no careless mistakes with all the things tat i dunnoe NOT coming out.. what more can i ask =)?
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Friday, March 18, 2005
anyway so its like nothing new.. but i'm like so old, n if i dun change, i really really really going 2 become xtraxtraxtra.. watever la.. so i figured there's a few things i nid 2 change pretty bad( though i will be too lazy to do it most probably.. like new year resolutions)
1. The way i walk..
I noe , i noe..... people haf been complaining about the way i walk since sec 1. but nothing happened till now lol.
2. My hairstyle..
This is even worse.. dunnoe how long, looks like all the "Style Daniel Campaign" has failed pretty bad.. haha. aiya i seriously dunnoe how 2 style my hair.. no clue no idea.. pretty bad huh?
3. The way i talk...
yea i have took out some gold out from my mouth.. But if i would 2 shout "INCOMING BOMB TAKE COVER" , u r juz gonna laugh ur heads off... dun lie , u will :P
Other things which i have no power... nothing said, nothing done.
Lastly, i would like 2 wish myself a happy n blessed birthday , making me the 6th person 2 do tat .. not counting the one who wished me a happy last day of 18 yr original
Monday, March 14, 2005
What title shall i put?
Sunday was spdlite youth rally ... O.o got bday cake.. so nice :) anyway im in the backstage n it was very very messy lol.. but all turned out well besides the fact that i keep bumping into things.. yea.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
So Cool!!
yea i captured the essence of xtraxtraxtra ... i m so l33t.. haha. will be very sad if i dun ask these questions.. probably end up like some1 hu said the world is unfair :P
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
post count +1

I am absolutely brooding! Find your soul type at
Is it placid darkness or just a quiet calm style that sets you apart?
Aspirations: There's a wide range of possibilities for any thoughtful person. Especially common would be artistry; writer, painter, composer; even the comedy field could use some help. If you're interested in politics, maybe a professional cynic would suit. ;) I'm sure you'd like to express your views openly (not limited to politics, but thinking in general) as your views of the human race are vast and intricate. Socrates would be proud.
Quirks: The peppy and preppy, the superficial and the artificial.
Factors: What you need is your downtime; peace and quiet. Relaxing with a good book, listening to some music. Thinking is a big factor, be it sophistic or plainly dark.
Future: As you continue to develop your views, self expression is inevitable. An outlet career aligning with your views would be ideal, and you may even enjoy a family to settle down with. Until then, I'm sure you'll develop your studies and talents to their fullest.
Monday, March 07, 2005
Blur acts by a blur guy
i should also look at the cashier the nxt time b4 buying anything from guardian.. if not end up trying 2 buy frm the pharmacy :X
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Friday, March 04, 2005
History is meant to be learnt, not repeated
Went 2 sch as usual... den got 2 help Matthew patch up his PowerE circuit during my break... but he n his friend kept teasing me abt the way i look/walk..+ the fact tat they dun want 2 do their work past few days n treat me like i owe their father money... can't stand the sight of them that i just walked away n ate lunch myself . Been so long since i got tis kind of feeling 2wards anyone xcept my family maybe..( i remembered the last time i lost my "temper" was at Jeremy over some super minor thing.. the result was tat i cold war wif him 4 dunnoe how many days wahahaha ... n b4 tat was Sivam kept making fun of me that i threw my water bottle at him :P , n er?) Haha gd thing is the effects are getting less minor n violent...So i went MENSA alone n found a nice corner n sit there n eat (yea!), but i was not supposed 2 be alone i guesse.. Ian Philip happen 2 buy a drink n was alone too(??) so he came n sat wif me... haha updated him on the status of shss people (abit) n toked abit on our sch work n old times.(sec 2)!! .... he still remembered the times where they used 2 install computers IN our classroom n Jonathan will complete half-life along wif games like Pikachu Volleyball , LiDo(sp) and pokemon cards.. i remembered playing comet busters with Sivam..where 4 hands will squeeze into 1 tiny keyboard lol.. n i shld ask Jeremy 2 stop playing pokemon card under the table wif me wen the Chinese Teacher is teaching. Went 4 my powerE lab but the circuit could not work.. ended up wif matthew helping me do instead(i took his circuit) .. blah, tis sux, just could not find the problem n i got 2 use such cheat methods 2 hand in my work =( .
Was demoralised zzz cant help it... but i got full marks 4 my CKTCS quiz.. if not i sian liao. phew.
Went LE after sch 2 rehearse 4 youth rally drama.. share cab home
zzz Even Ian asked me 2 change my image lol.. aiya i got problem convincing people i sec 4 i tink -.-. Not 2 4get all the tech team crew that i am older den them ..
:):):):):):):):):):):):) smiling is gd..
Monday, February 28, 2005
So much work 2 do nowww zzzzz projects so sian... cant wait 4 tis week 2 end..
Sunday, February 20, 2005
I am Antisocial, thats y its called
Friday: Keyi made me sign up as a helper in the Singapore Robo GP, which is is watching a robo run a race..yea no nid 2 go schh :) I was supposed 2 be in charged of PA system.. but thats nothing 2 do really.. becuz only got 2 mics n 1 cd player.. Stupid MC's stand so close n tok cause so many feeedddbackkk zzzz.. sry 4 hurting ur ears 2 all people in Funan IT Mall.. So most of the time juz do mundane jobs... ended abt 6++ den go home n slp b4 11.. i cant remember wen was the last time i slept so early. Nearly 4get, my primary school ex vice-principal(which means wen im there he is the VP) was there as a teacher too... n guess wad? i cant recognise him at all.. at ALL. ops.( Keyi pointed out of cuz, he has gd memory!)
One more thing 2 add.. 2 day is wei quan's bday! me him n jon r the 18's.. anyway it was quite sad actually becuz i hesistated 2 send him a happy bday msg ( i felt weird sending him a sms), n didnt in the end... until Saturday wen i reminded Jonathan. Now tats too antisocial man... :( .
Saturday: Actually reached Funan early at 8.30.. sit ard 4 30 min den do the usual stuff.. today programme is very slack.. ie nothing 2 do.. therefore its supperrrr borrringgg as i cant seem 2 tok 2 any1, not that i really want 2(read title). So they let me off early n i went 2 meet Russell, Sivam, Jonathan n Zhu Jia :) at sim lim square.. 2 buy world of warcraft (wow). there goes my ang pao money. nuff said. hey after that meet Jeremy 2 play pool.. quite fun wif Jonathan taking photos n i directing videos wif russell's new phone... ate KFC n went home( if u read my old post i mentioned that playing pool n eating KFC is the "few" things i noe how 2 do :P) . Reached home try 2 install wow but installation hanged.. caused me 2 slp so late.. :(
Sunday: woke up on time 2 go 9 am! .... * cannot blog *. CG has no 1 frm the "other" cell.. except Joanna, which is not a member. Lesson was on the textbk n Jonah 3,4. Err Jonah actually wants vengence becuz the Ninevites treatened his country( he wished they were dead n God didnt save them). ..... how many times we r liddat, wishing smthin bad will happen 2 some1 that has hurt/offended u.. or tink they dun deserve certain things they shld haf.. (could b ferendship/help/kind act). Sat at the backstage 4 spdlite. Message was on propagating, had been tinking of those points he shared.
Ate lunch, went 4 prac n go home lor.
N im kinda antisocial, but that shldnt be surprising.. I dun really make friends, thats y my title..
2 deadly sins 2 deal wif now: pride n envy. root causes of xtraxtraxtra
Wednesday, February 16, 2005
blah got project evry where now.. muz start engine.. cuz after project submission will be exams..
arg muz stress myself... but i dun wann..ok i guess im still ok
anyway i only got 2 exam papers so XD XD. im gonna enjoy my bday~!
Monday, February 14, 2005
It is valentine's day today
And i am not gay
But my emotions haf gone MIA
Many gifts n flowers in school
But i didnt go o.O
Cuz i cant seem 2 care..
Its the XtraXtraXtra way!
ok this is crap.. im not l33t.. dunnoe w4d i doing. :P :P Dunnoe y people suddenly like so kind 2 me.. i received free lunch/drink, people help me buy food/carry drinks, i even got 3 atap chee wen i buy ice kacang(nv happen b4 lor, i tink they no business haha). Even asdf game was kind.. i get lots of xtr4 money(or wiz) XD. Ohh im so touched im "crying" :'( Thank You Everyone :D
ok too many emoticons thx 2 l33t5pe4k. Also like 2 say abit on wad i learnt in church yesterday.. Bobby Micheal's(american pastor/singer) came n shared on the bk of Jonah(which happens 2 b the same as CG). Only 1 pt here, which is on how Jonah run away frm God n got eaten up by the "fish". In the end, he got where he was supposed 2 be.. wad 2 learn is that no matter wad happens, we will reach a specific point. Its a matter of how n when. Not an excuse 2 slack. phew, nearly 4got 2 add tat.
Now 2 valentines day, i feel nothing evry year(tis year muz be all the kind acts), sometimes i wonder if im ok( i am, right?).. im 18 yet i got tis toot hairstyle :X :X. Really wad has happened 2 me?? dunnoe? But can i dun care? aiya im happy tat i haf some nice f3r3nd5 :) yes Jeremy u can call me Emotionless Daniel.... :P:P but y so many "emoticons"? whaha
i shall quit l33t5pe4k! XDXDXDXDXD
Saturday, February 12, 2005
Chinese Year Year
aiya my father have 2 work lar..
anyway its pretty "normal".. had steamboat(i tink its the same 1 since p3) at home lor.. juz eat .
Wednesday(firz day), went 2 visit the my grandma's houses( my father+mother side). 1 in tampinese 1 in Jurong in 1 day... take MRT somemore.. Anyway, i feel prorer/l33ter at "smiling" while receiving ang bao/greeting happy new year.. used 2 haf some problem(feels fake last time.). Blah it was boring actually lah, n i got "physically abused" by my cousin somemore(dam mean HIT my head n PULL my hair, try harder pls) :(. Whats worse.. i actually donated $2 2 his sch.. which happens 2 be my p1/2 primary sch(Radin Mas :P).
Thursday, stay at home n play asdfgame.. i tink firz time 2nd day nv visit..
Friday, back 2 school lor.. den meet Russell, Sivam , Jonathan 2 watch Constantine! the movie was pretty fine but it sounds weird(as in the story). Jonathan said it was nice but... 2 me its ok ..y? becuz got no SWORDS!! not a single sword was in sight.. haiz. I oso tink i "mastered" the art of not getting shocked while watching movie liao.. In those "frightening" parts, i juz blinked my eye n munched my popcorn away .overdone it man.
woot i collect $120 lor.. quite little la..
Sunday, February 06, 2005
Friday, February 04, 2005
My blog is Boorringg
even my post r getting long n draggy :(
haiz dunnoe wad 2 do liao.. so i gonna bore u more cuz nothin else 2 do..
term test results!
CKTCS ( 74/100)
ohh man tis sux... wen i got it back it was 84/100.. but i m so super honest/stupid/dumb/foolish. wadeva. They cant even tally up the marks properly .. wad lousy tp management sign.. looks like a calculator error sparked a chain reaction causing me 2 lose 5+ m. N we R SUPPOSED 2 ask the teacher 4 the formula DURING the test(they say formulas r given big liars n tats sounds so very wrg).. haiz. dunnoe formula got the sign of the formula wrong spark off another chain reaction lose 10 m....
the worst ever !! OH MAN HORRIBLE!!!! okok .. i made 2 mistake sparking off 2 chain reactions causing a total loss of 36 m. nuff' said.
quite decent i guess.. marks lost r my fault so i got nothing 2 say :)
phew .. wad i thot was totally wrong (the last question) turned out correct after all(13/15). n guess wad? the bugger sitting in front of me actually copied from me.. he got 48/50, lost 2 marks cause of me lol. imagine if i m wrg wahaha. Anyway im fine wif it becuzz...... a long long time ago, wen i was in yr1 / sem 1(firz sem in poly), i attempted a DFUND quiz.. i made 2 careless mistake but that bugger spotted it n i corrected it -.-. In the end, both of us got full marks 4 it.. i guess i finally repayed his 'debt'. We r even now.
TCS/Minutes writing(29/30)
Man tis is so cooolllll... IT IS ENGLISH!! N I nearly got FULL marks 4 it!! Anyway the tutor said smthin VERY strange i nv hear b4 in my life.. which is........ my answer is BETTER den the model answer!! *shivers*.
lost that 1 mark becuz i spell coming as "comim". i was writing too fast haha..
Enuff crapping.. now 2 wads happening .. which is i got in the National Skills Competition (NSC)O.o Its the competition of the l33t3st l33t among diff poly competing in mechatronics i tink.. Guess my SIP(work attachment) is pretty secured, which is training 4 it.. n my MP(graduating project) will be taking part in it. I'm gonna be supa stressed!! n i'm supa boredded now.!! Anyway i hope im up 2 it... im ok.. BUT my blurness/carelessness could be causing tis thingy MASSIVE damage ..hopefully not :P
Ohh valentine's day coming.. well some people keep toking abt it its infecting me... i tink im pretty fine cuz i dun feel anythin lor.. im like too neutral.. which is the aim of xtraxtraxtra.... Aiya juz another day 2 me (which is bad/ where r my emotions?? lost? confused?) Anyway since im so free 2day i shall share the 2 basic fundamentals of xtraxtraxtra.. they r
1) dunnoe
2) dun care
juz by applying these 2 on "certain" things n u find urself very 'free'... but dun overdo it.. or u become sotong.
I HOPE U DUN FIND TIS BORING!!! ignore the background/no sound/ no pics ok?!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
dam gay sia i shld buy 4D someday.. maybe 1337. was on the same MRT too blah.. talk abt Daniella(my "high" class french name) *pukes*
what a way 2 start my school term..
Monday, January 31, 2005
NO Specific title..
Meeting Jeremy, Jonathan and Russell 2 play pool . So i went wif Jonathan and Russell 2 cut my hair lor.. They gel 4 me spiky hair.. quite nice la. Eat Lunch den play pool 4 the whole until Dinner. Hmm Jeremy is pro man.. he the no mistake guy evrytime bully us.. we play 1 on 1(no timing) .Winner in Loser out. I win 2 matches den i face Jeremy n he kicked me out after that my turn 2 kick him ( after he win 2). wahaha.+ alot more. Ate dinner n went home.. on my msn n haf our usual conversation.. only 2day topic quite "new". Toking abt crushes la dunnoe y all suddenly so lovey dovey wan gf 1. They tried 2 "interrograte" me 2 find out hu i like ( i cant remember telling ANYONE hu i like, xtra huh?). Aiya so long liao doesnt matter zz. digging old stones will only make u look stoned. N im not gay of cuz :P.
Went 4 9 am service.. hmm.. was reserving a seat den they ask us 2 stand. 4 get 2 put my bag on the reserved seat. was praying den tis guy came in n sat beside me("dunnoe" hu). Turns out 2 b my FIRST CG leader =X. Quite shocked la but i remember he said during worship service muz pretend the guy nxt 2 u is invisible haha.. which is like 7-8 yrs ago . Told him im frm TP den he like shocked cuz he lecturer there..(actually i noe cuz i c him in MENSA b4). Blah blah n ask him wad course he lecturing..... Yr 2/3 CHEM ENG -.-. dotz.
CG after that =) ....... Got 2 go serve 4 spdlite again. Basically 2day got a major headache in the center mike. but i nv do cuz its a headache la. Camp in the backstage like a camper watching the others stress cuz cannot capture all the 3 voices properly.. Turned out "quite bad", sounds weird 2 us . Had lunch went 4 prac n ate dinner wif my younger bro CG which is like xtra.. n the usual OHh he is ur brother meh?? n the But u (refers 2 me) look younger leh..
Got sch 2morroowwww arrrgggggg
Monday, January 24, 2005
Saturday firz..
Went TM with Jonathan, Russell, Sivam and Zhu Jia 2 pass Jonathan his present n watch electra. Bought tickets n after that go arcade. Play Time Crisis 2 n completed the whole game wif 1 credit as usual. Wads so special is wen the part where i got 2 enter a name 4 my high score..instead of the usual ... or !!! i entered DCS thx 2 Sivam(which means Daniel Chan Sux :( ). zz ate lunch n pass Jonathan his present ( which is a Final Fantasy repertoire worth $56 i tink). Hmm watch movie after that... reached the threatre on time but was late 4 the show.. y??? Cuz we were caught trying 2 bring outside food into the cinema. Actually was because they saw us outside the cinema putting food into our bag lah :P. Played pool with a new twist ..The 7 min pool challenge!! LOL the aim is 2 finish the game in 7 mins cuz we were playing like slowcoaches man.. pool nv felt so stress b4 =D. Win Russell lose Zhu Jia. Ate dinner wif my family cuz its brother birthday mah.. hmm had strawberry cake at home after that :)
Woke up n went 4 9 am service hmmm.. left my house xtra early this time reach there 8.35 .. service was good hehe. 11 am is CG! Oooo attendence was super! so many people we had 2 squeezee.. wif 2 new botak "men" BenOng n Jared.. didnt c time n realised it was 12.55 liao.. ran 2 LE 2 serve but nv do anything today..bleah was quite lost cuz they already started.. dun wan 2 mess up anything. Anyway ate lunch wif my "old" cell members.. Alvin was there oso =). Seems like BenFoo had already booked a tennis court so we cabbed 2 his house .. Reached there 4.10 i tink n the court was at 5 pm.. so we juz anyohow go play table tennis instead(which was the original arrangement). Christine is dam pro at it!!!!!1111 power sia trashed Samuel hu is like so 1337.. poor Samuel we cant help him haha..n he say he trash other people Oo.. I tried 2 play toooo!! haha 6-7 years(read Bottom part of Jan 10 post 2 find out wad my primary school CCA is ) never play in a real table tennis table i 4got how 2 hold the bat initially. I only remember the coach teaching me how 2 hold the bat.. n how 2 serve properly .. played abit wif Amelia cuz the other 2 are too l33t 4 me. Went 4 practice n got a major headache sia.. 1 minute this guy too loud change arrangement become another one.. n cant seem 2 capture the girl voice.. CG dinner @ TM G????? Cafe ( i cant spell!, sit there only) wif BenFoo,Amelia,Isabel, Cindy n Christine... Samuel go meet friend.. hmm actually ate at long john firz.
Went home.
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Blah feel like whining zzzzz i am sadden :( hate tests they only serve 2 remind me how careless/idiotic i am..
Anyway powerE was quite ok.. proauto was the killer cuz of the last queston which i dunnoe.. i deserved it man i actually skipped the page where the answer was wen i was has the highest weightage somemore.. bye bye 7.5%... looks like the chances of me entering the competition 4 my Student Internship Progamme(SIP) is gone :( tat means i gonna stay in school for my SIP like a fool 4 nothing sianzz. Must find silver lining among the "dark" clouds so here goes..
1. I have another test 2morrow(CKTCS) which i am doing well so far.
2. I should not fail any of my test.
3. Im having a term break soon.
4. I will be alright by 2morrow n probably 4get it by friday/saturday..
5. Sivam returned me $10 4 topping up his farecard last time which i 4got. thx!
6. The results r not released yet!
Monday, January 17, 2005
Oo got term test liao
minutes writing! Oo i finished the paper on time.. should be pretty ok :)
Sunday, January 16, 2005
huh???wad harpening
Lets start with..Saturday..go eat dinner n play pool
Sivam 4got 2 bring his yellow cap! wah?! Jonathan wears a "towel" cap 2 cover his head!! it was quite cute.. Russell's pool ball n my pool ball collided (jousting) n BOTH balls went in different holes at OPPOSITE corners?? Jeremy drop his bread while trying 2 catch it wif his LAST finger?? wad he tinking...not 2 4get him "winning" many games 4 us ( he kept shooting the black ball in the wrg hole lolx) .N oso ALL of us fell in love wif rotiboy bread in parkway parade.. it smmeellss niccce.
Stayed back in school till 9+ for 2 days wif Keyi 2 "study"(nv happened b4).. n he actually signed in msn after dunnoe how looongggggggg.........Matthew failed his quiz because he got "conned" by the formula! lol the equation on the paper looks very chim .. but actually its very simple 1 the school juz make it look chim 2 be more specific. oso another formula on the paper reads smthin like [exp(x+y)] which means [e^(x+y)] n he thot wad is exp..
Haha Zhu Jia scored the highest (80 m) for my quiz!! i know him 4 like "only" 4 years? Lionel scored 80 marks 4 my quiz toooo!! n i never see him at all for like 4 years??(matching -.-). Christine got "conned" by her company. N i found a handphone pouch on the way 2 church on the road tat is the EXACT same design as Isabel's one has 5 different colours lor. Amelia handed me a belated christmas card :) Benjamin Foo came for 9 am service n cell 2day(that rarely/didnt happen).. he dun wan 2 cut his hair until april to save money wen he go ns.. N Joanna's shared on the EXACT same verses as pastor's Chee's sermon....................June came 4 speedlight 2day(?!?!)
I flipped a coin 6 times n i got tails followed by 5 heads in a row.. freaky sia. hey n Flannery had dinner wif me at pizza hut Oo..
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Personality Disorder!
im sick??
Disorder Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Very High
Schizotypal: Very High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Low
Avoidant: High
Dependent: Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate
URL of the test: for more info:
looks like the more i take.. the worse it gets i shall post my firz results
very interesting so many different types of disorder...
haha im abit "crazy" i guess
Monday, January 10, 2005
after that got 2 "adjust" the choir mike.. the "" is becuz i did almost nothing n juz watched becuz i dunnoe how 2... n im the type that muz "see" first den can 1.. blah just do it lolz nvm. After that camp at the backstage n "watch" speedlight 4 the first time(different angle frm backstage).. look at the musicians, choir,dancers hmmm. Service ended n go eat lunch wif 3 other "old" cell members.. the "other" cell left us alone.. blah where r all the guys in BOTH CG! zz kinda xtra.. wif me the only guy but ..(jonathan used his botakhead as an excuse n i scared russell away wif the amt of time in church)... after that go 4 practice lor. n den go home . Incoming Term test in 1 wk.. N i got test DURING my term break! how very fun :(
Thursday, January 06, 2005
Oo got quiz liao
die la tis year so slack how 2 do...but as usual receive tip-off from dunnoe hu.. wad kind of questions will come out.. so its not that bad.. anyway got 2 qns... managed 2 do them both n shld get full marks i tink. phew if i nv go 2 the library yesterday i probably would have thrown my firz questions away(well the same mistake came out wad). Got problem wif the 2nd 1 too.. was abt 2 gif up wen i receive sudden inspiration. haha cuz i nv practice .. hehe morale up abit find it quite errr?? too. Also saw a number of students running ard pasir ris MRT station. blah MJC orientation squeeze bus wif me....
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Oo got test liao
supposed 2 design n patch up a circuit..
but i guess i can skip the design part cuz Keyi juz gave me ALL the answers yesterday after he took his paper but cannot do..
i can "skip" the design part too since the tutor started the test 45 min late giving enuff time 2 patch the whole thing n c that it works =D
so i juz patch it lor.. but got slight problem.. but i fixed shld get like 9 or 10 i tink(draw wrongly).
after that eat lunch den go home zzz got 2 go sch later 4 lab haiz
Monday, January 03, 2005
Do u like any girl b4?
so i muz say yes 2 prove that im not gay izzit?? haha..
ok.. so jonathan came 2 church yesterday.. he said he dun wan 2 go alone.. ohh well.
was a pretty nice day... i guess its time 2 go sch again zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, January 02, 2005
n guess where the "ceremony" is held.... my house lol
So 2day wake up n fool ard.. downloaded roseonline n try 2 make it work but nvm..
eat lunch watch bourne supremacy at home n while my parents clean the hse.. err i helped "abit" but ohh well its very clean now haha got the condo feeling(abit maybe). After that they came n it was dinner+normal cg..13 people came ohh well.. all was well i guess...arg skipping the details....
haf a nice day..( samuel wanted 2 visit sivam but errr?)
Saturday, January 01, 2005
New Year lor..
ok went 2 sch n bored until 1..
den go 4 so-called 4A "class outing".. only 5 people turn up so anyway i go n eat lunch in cs food court..
after that the rest err.. go off so i n Jonathan decided 2 call russ 2 go his house.. but we ended up going asteroids =X...
anyway was super full so we juz put our name on the waiting list n go eat mac at parkway.. turns out we get 2 play anyway it was pretty short n Jonathan had 2 go 4 his class outing. Since russell refused 2 believe me that im going woodlands, he went 2 dunnoe where..
so i went 4 Jonathan "class outing"(TJC 1), n guess wad.. i seen 5 people frm his class b4 .. so i wasnt that super xtra...went 2 hans 2 eat finish liao i gtg 4 LE woodlands so i left...
hmm turns out that there was some miscommunication...i said meet at woodlands(which i assumed would be mrt) but become meet in church instead.. blah.i was early so nvm..Hmm after that service start, this yr abit gloomy thx 2 the tsusami(spelling) n after the countdown pray..... argh tried 2 run 4 the train but ohh well..we missed take taxi home lor
ohh n 2 celebrate new year i add a tag board PLS post if u got read/visit!! i dun even noe hu access sia..